
2012 - 2013年的视频

The Merchant Of Venice - 7:30 pm Cast

The Institute for Shakespeare & Renaissance Studies presents "The Merchant of Venice", 6月2日, 2013, 7:30 pm, 奥斯本黑盒子剧院, McDonogh学校. Arguably one of the most controversial plays ever written, Merchant continues to raise penetrating questions about racism, 宗教, 和正义. 加入一个由13名学生组成的小组,表演两种不同的角色,分享两年学习和排练的高潮.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

The Merchant Of Venice - 3 pm Cast

The Institute for Shakespeare & Renaissance Studies presents "The Merchant of Venice", 6月2日, 2013, 3 pm, 奥斯本黑盒子剧院, McDonogh学校. Arguably one of the most controversial plays ever written, Merchant continues to raise penetrating questions about racism, 宗教, 和正义. 加入一个由13名学生组成的小组,表演两种不同的角色,分享两年学习和排练的高潮.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


二年级学生在低年级老师Bridget Karwacki和Sharon Howell的课堂上表演的话剧《bet356》中,看看你最喜欢的童话人物发生了什么.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


低年级的教师在低年级学生最后一天的课程结束时挥手示意公共汽车离开停车场. The students joined in the fun, waving and shouting from the bus windows!
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

23rd Annual Cardboard Boat Race

5月30日星期三, 2013, 七支高中学生队伍聚集在鸭子池塘边,比赛他们自制的纸板船,这是每年庆祝学期结束的传统.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

Videoclass 音乐 视频 2013

灯! 相机! 行动! 今年在视频课上, 三年级学生小组, under the direction of special projects teacher Cindy Green, wrote original songs and melodies based on The Golden Rule. 他们用ipad拍摄麦当劳学校的场景,制作了自己的音乐视频,并为他们的歌曲伴奏. Ben Fish ‘16 sang the vocals in a demonstration video used in class, 亚当·格林(Adam Green)制作了背景音乐,学生们将自己的歌曲叠加在音乐上.


民谣歌唱大会, an annual fundraiser to benefit the Concert Choir tour, featured performances by The Gentlemen Songsters, 著名女性, 以及《bet356》.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

Where Will We Be If All the Elephants Die?

在这出戏里, presented by the Second Grade class of 较低的学校 teacher Nancy Lewis, students took on the roles of people in the world who are trying to save the elephants, “一次一只大象。."
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


Occasionally, we flubbed our lines and the elevator door closed prematurely. Check out our bloopers for a laugh!

Sophomore Oratory Finals 2013

The 33rd Annual Sophomore Oratory Contest, hosted by Master of Ceremonies Scott S. on May 14, featured speeches by five finalists. 莎拉年代. spoke passionately about the importance of hunting. 安德里亚·F. criticized the messages that Disney princesses send to young girls. 苏菲R. voiced support for worldwide feminism. 索菲娅R. discussed how media customization feeds narrow-mindedness, and Nate R. addressed the role of affirmative action in education.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


较低的, 中间, and 上学校 Percussion, under the direction of Wayne Hudson, presented a concert in the Ceres M. 角剧院 on May 9, 2013. Each senior percussion student was presented with a plaque.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


在器乐总监Pete Hengen的指导下,八年级及高中春季乐队音乐会, 五月七日演出, 2012年在谷神星M. 角剧院. Each senior band member was presented with a plaque.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

Choral Ensembles Spring Concert 2013

The McDonogh 上学校 Choral Ensembles, under the direction of Philip Olsen, presented their annual spring concert in the Tagart Memorial Chapel on May 5, 2013. The Foxleigh Hill Singers, 由教员组成, 工作人员, 校友, and spouses participated in the program. Each senior choir member was presented with a rose.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

Jazz Band Spring Concert 2013

在唐纳德·纽的指导下,高中爵士乐队和爵士乐团在Ceres M举行了一年一度的春季音乐会. 角剧院 on May 2, 2013. Each senior jazz band student was presented with a plaque.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

All School Strings Concert 2013

麦克多诺高中弦乐乐团和中学弦乐乐团由安德鲁·绍德指挥, 凯瑟琳·弗雷指挥的低年级弦乐合奏团在Ceres M. 角剧院 on April 30, 2013.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


During the 中学 assembly on April 24, 警队俱乐部, featuring faculty members Gregg Kleiman, 克雷格·科普兰, 和达伦·福特, 和先生一起. 克莱曼的弟弟凯西, 呈现了一出戏剧,其中包括令人兴奋的光剑表演以及器乐总监皮特·亨根的烟火表演. The plot unfolded in the Jedi temple, where two sith lords infiltrated in order to take over power.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


English teacher Josh Waller '02 shares the importance of giving to the McDonogh Fund.


为了配合即将上映的音乐剧《bet356体育投注》,低年级美术老师琼·纽卡姆的班级里的四年级学生们制作了超级英雄纸模。, composed by Jonathan Waller '00 and directed by English teacher Jon Aaron. The superheroes are on display in the lobby of the 角剧院, along with other Superhero inspired art projects from all three divisions of the school.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


校友Kiernan Michau '09从她的宿舍skype分享与麦当劳保持联系的重要性.


学生们一直在建造和编程机器人,让它们沿着指定的路径执行指定的任务. 这个乐高头脑风暴机器人单元由科学老师里克·汤普森教授给中学的学生团队.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

The Poetry of Shel Silverstein

Ms. Hailstone's Second Grade class presented "The Poetry of Shel Silverstein" on Tuesday, March 5 in the Osbourne Black Box 剧院.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


The Gentleman Songsters sang at the 上学校 Assembly to promote "民谣歌唱大会," an annual fundraiser to benefit the Concert Choir tour. This year 民谣歌唱大会 is a two night event on Saturday, May 18 at 7 pm and Sunday, May 19 at 5 pm. It features performances by The Gentleman Songsters, 著名女性, 裂口架, 和唱诗班.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

MechDonogh Eagles, Finger Lakes Rookie All Star

过去的这个周末, 我们自己的MechDonogh eagle(4505队)前往纽约罗切斯特理工学院参加芬格湖地区FIRST机器人比赛. The challenge was to build a robot in 45 days that could throw frisbees accurately, 绕着场地开车, 爬上金字塔. 老鹰乐队, in their first year competing with FIRST, were successful at all three challenges, something that is very rare for rookie teams.


"Let's Come Together" was the theme of this year's Multicultural Evening on Friday, March 1. The celebration included a wonderful showcase of student performances in the Ceres M. 角剧院, followed by a reception with entertainment and a variety of ethnic specialties in Lamborn Hall.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

It's Worth It: 凯文·科斯塔

In the sixth of our video series, 凯文·科斯塔, McDonogh’s Director of Fine and Performing 艺术, 分享了在舞台上或工作室里创作艺术的日常经验,这些经验如何在帮助我们的学生为超越麦当劳的生活做好准备方面发挥了重要作用.

Our Journey Through Literature

Third Grade students wrote plays based on books they read in Reading Workshop. 周四,学生们在一场名为“我们的文学之旅”的演出中展示了他们的戏剧, February 21st in the Ceres M. 角剧院.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.

It's Worth It: George Webb

In the sixth of our video series, fourth grade teacher George Webb shares how 较低的学校 students have a "blast" while learning the important skill of problem solving though patience, persistence, and practice.


中学工程师们最近建造了他们自己的弹射器,作为他们简单机械科学单元的一部分. 学生们测试了不同的设计和材料,以了解哪一个是最坚固和最准确的.

詹姆斯·T. 爱德华兹 Memorial Court Dedication

On January 30, the school dedicated the basketball court in the Louis E. Lamborn Memorial Field House to 詹姆斯·T. 爱德华兹, McDonogh's third headmaster who served the school from 1893-1898. The ceremony took place during halftime against Mount St. 约瑟夫高中. 奥巴马在讲话中说. Britton also remembered the building known as "Eddie's Gym," which was originally named in honor of Mr. 爱德华兹.

Ravens Spirit: Ray Lewis 跳舞 Contest

毫无疑问,巴尔的摩对乌鸦队的热爱,因为他们本周末将前往超级碗. Even Headmaster 查理·布里顿, 爱国者队的铁杆球迷, 宣布这是“紫色周”," allowing all students to break dress code and don purple attire... or the colors of their favorite team. 周末,高年级的学生们在比赛前开了最后一次班会. The morning ended with a Ray Lewis 跳舞 Contest. 去乌鸦!

中学 Annual Geography Bee

What is the capital of Alaska? What countries does the Tropic of Cancer intersect? 1月11日,麦克唐纳中学的制图高手们齐聚一堂,参加一年一度的地理竞赛. 学生们回答了各种各样的问题,从城市的位置到哪些国家共享边界.

All-School Holiday Assembly

During the All-School Holiday Assembly on Friday, 12月14日, 洛基, the god of evil and nefarious intent, enlisted the help of super-villains, 达斯Kleim, 红袍女巫, and the Jokerette to destroy the holidays for everyone in McDonoghville. Committed to resisting the arch-villains was a feisty band of super-heroes, led by 洛基's righteous brother Thor, who was assisted by the Incredible Hulk, 好讽刺人的人的, and Major McD (Captain America was away!).

The Science of Pirate Ships

啊嘿!朋友! 中学 students have been setting sail on a sea of learning about pirates. The young buccaneers have been reading "Treasure Island" in Language 艺术, exploring shipping routes in Social Studies, and studying ship building techniques in Science class. The students constructed their own ships out of recycled materials and tested them in a small pool.

The John McDonogh Living Legacy Society

约翰·麦克唐纳生活遗产协会承认那些决定将学校纳入遗嘱或其他遗产计划的家庭和个人. 下面的视频是由麦当劳校友雷切尔·库尔茨(Rachel Kurtz)制作的,旨在向我们的社区介绍这个重要的项目. For more information, contact Barry Rollins, Director of Gift Planning, at or calling 410-581-4771.


In the fifth of our video series, 布里奇特·柯林斯,90年, 麦当劳的老师, 教练, 顾问, 和女校友, shares her deep pride in scholarship, 机会, 和社区. Bridget's compelling story is living proof that your gift today impacts students' lives forever.


幼儿园的孩子们参加了一个婚礼仪式,把字母Q和字母U连在一起,这给他们上了一堂拼读课. The boys dressed as quarterbacks while the girls dressed as queens. A reception followed the ceremony during which the students dined on cupcakes and grapes.
Video coverage by Cindy Green.


In the fourth of our video series, 拉里·约翰斯顿, McDonogh’s Vice President of Administration and Finance, 回答问题, “我的礼物去哪儿了??"

It's Worth It: Jack Hardcastle

In the third of our video series, 杰克·哈德卡斯尔02年, McDonogh's Director of 技术, shares how the school fuses technology into the classroom every day.


During a special gathering in Tagart Chapel on November 6, third graders presented handmade fleece blankets to members of The Red Devils, 一个致力于改善乳腺癌患者及其家属生活质量的组织. Tenth grade students helped the young quilters create the warm and fuzzy gifts.

Eighth Grade Tree Planting Service Project

McDonogh 中学 students recently planted trees on campus as a local service project. The effort was coordinated by two members of the faculty in conjunction with the Grounds Department. The trees were generously donated by John and Aimee Clime.

It's Worth It: Headmaster Britton

In the second of our video series, McDonogh的校长, 查理·布里顿, shares the importance of participating in The McDonogh Fund.

Spirit Parade and Pep Rally

在周五, 10月26日, 整个学校都沉浸在橙色和黑色的海洋中,期待着臭名昭著的麦当劳大战. 吉尔曼足球赛. 学生, 老师, 工作人员, and parents cheered each other on in the traditional parade across the campus. The parade ended in a pep rally in the Rollins-Luetkemeyer Athletic Center.

Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates

During a special assembly on Wednesday, 10月31日, 在历史老师杰夫·桑伯恩(Jeff Sanborn)的美国政府预修课程(AP)课上,高年级学生被学生们请来模仿总统和副总统的辩论. The platforms of both parties were presented.

McDonogh 中学 Walkabout

As part of the school's Founder's Day celebration on October 12, 中学 students enjoyed a special historical tour of the campus conducted by 校友.


In the first of several videos to raise awareness and support of The McDonogh Fund, 我们的年度捐赠计划, Allison F., 当前大四学生, 分享给麦当劳基金的礼物如何为使麦当劳教育与众不同的项目提供重要的支持.


10月12日上午,学校社区聚集在约翰·麦克唐纳纪念碑前,向我们的创始人和在过去一年中去世的麦克唐纳家族其他成员表示敬意. Chapel bells tolled and music filled the crisp morning air.


较低的学校 students and 工作人员 participated in "改变自己 Day." The day focused on ways students can learn to avoid bullying and engage in positive behavior.

Kindergarten Pumpkin Harvest

Kindergartners hitched a hayride to the Roots Garden on Friday, 9月28日, to harvest this year's crop of pumpkins. 孩子们很高兴地看到,他们在6月份种下的种子长成了125多个南瓜. Each child took one pumpkin home. The rest will be used to make homemade pumpkin recipes.

Aquapalooza 2012

在周五, 9月7日, 小学部的校长、骄傲的鸭妈妈诺琳·利德斯顿摇摇摆摆地走在一只大型充气橡皮鸭上,带领她的小鸭子们滑下“滑梯”,迎接他们的夏季阅读挑战. The flock of lower school students read a combined total of 3,614 books to earn this summer fun on a school day. 他们的目标是3200人. The lucky ducklings also ran through sprinklers, jumped around in a moon bounce, and traveled down a 22-foot inflatable slide.


8月30日星期四, 在一个美丽的早晨,麦克唐纳的师生们聚集在孩子纪念露台参加毕业典礼. This year, the ceremony included a dedication of the Louis E. Lamborn 校友 Memorial Field House, in honor of former headmaster Louis "Doc" Lamborn, 及兰伯恩道, formerly known as Woods Road, named for former headmaster Dr. 罗伯特·"鲍勃"·兰伯恩,35年.